Subscription Terms & Conditions

Love Derby Subscription terms & Conditions

Updated 23/04/2024
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  • Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time. Package benefits will last until the end of the payment term.
  • Subscriptions can be cancelled within the admin area or by emailing [email protected]
  • Once payment has been taken, there will be no refunds so please ask how to make the most out of your subscription before your term ends.
  • Once as subscription has been cancelled, you will need to pay again using the method previously if you wish to restart it.
  • All News, Events and Offers must be of publishable standard before they will be published. Love Derby reserves the right to edit the story if needed.
  • No Businesses, News, Offers or Events will be published if they are offensive, racist, sexist or derogatory.
  • Love Derby reserves the right to cancel without refund any subscriptions that are in breach of any ethical standards. Users will be notified of reason for cancellation with the right to appeal if needs be.


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